Human Growth Foundation's Say NO Bullying Resource Booklet by Patrice Yasuda, Ph.D., Carolyn Ievers-Landis, Ph.D., & Chad Rose, Ph.D.
Bully by Patricia Polacco
A book that highlights the difficulties of cyberbullying and social exclusion among two girls who are trying to fit in with their classmates.
My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig
A book about a young girl who is being mistreated by her former friend through social exclusion. This book highlights the importance of saying something, doing something, and telling someone.
One by Kathryn Otoshi
A book about the importance of standing up for yourself and others who experience bullying.
Daddy, Did You Hear the News by Sandra Gragg
Directed by Lee Hirsch is a documentary about the dangers and outcomes associated with bullying. This documentary details the lives of several students who experience high levels of bullying because they are perceived to be different from their peers.
Educational resources provided by the Say NO Bullying program are made possible by a partnership with our Knowledge Is Power partner, Pfizer.